
Transportation Planning

Transportation Planning is a vast branch of Urban Planning within itself. Within transportation planning, I have a soft spot for transit studies, one which develops from my own varied user experience and observed efficiency of transit systems. As complicated the analysis points within transportation, as interesting and as varied is the outcome that we see.

Some of my most celebrated works include combing through a conceptual idea of standability within transit systems, in line with walkability as we study sidewalks/pedestrian facility provisions. The associations that come along with sharing your personal space for an hour or the equivalent with six strangers with/without interacting as captive users of public transport, and the role that a transportation planner can play in this whole gamut of both integrating the society with the interactive nature of overcrowding, or developing criteria to alleviate claustrophobic environments - the planner's dilemma and the trade-offs.

Carrying forward on this idea, I furthered my undergraduate thesis research work into the area of estimating overcrowding parameters for urban transit modes in Delhi and the resulting facility provisions. My current research underway as part of the graduate thesis rests on transit and access to services in the Mumbai Metropolitan Region.

Siddhesh Kudale.pdf